
作者: 时间:2021-03-02 点击数:



       The atomic absorption chromatography laboratory is equipped with a TAS-990 atomic absorption spectrophotometer of Beijing General Motors. The instrument is equipped with a flame atomizer that can measure the content of elements from constant to trace. The instrument is equipped with 8 hollow cathode lamps, which can be used to determine common elements and heavy metal elements and a small amount of non-metallic elements.
This room can provide practical teaching of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic Analysis for students of the Institute of Petrochemical Technology. Atomic absorption spectrum analysis has the characteristics of high sensitivity, stability, rapid and accurate analysis. It can be applied to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of various metal elements in the environment(soil, river, groundwater, drinking water, sewage, etc.), food, biology, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, materials, geology, metallurgy, etc.



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